Monday, March 26, 2012

Keeping in Touch in a Wired World

With the rapid improvement in technology today, acquiring instant information has never been easier. This is a big advantage to many businesses but there is also a downside to it. The information acquired can estrange or frustrate recipients. Business cards can help put the emotion back into customer relationships with a personal touch. 

In the past, calling cards are used to tell the personality of a business man. With the traditional calling cards long out of style these days, business cards remain an important component in any workplace. It is important that your business cards exude professionalism because it is often the first thing that your prospect comes in contact with and they use your cards to sum up your professionalism. These little cards can bridge communication between your customers and you. They will serve as an introduction for your business. 

You can always design and print your own business card. This would be easy for you to obtain but keep in mind that computer generated business cards will always look like computer generated. With this in mind, you can always ask for the services of professional printing companies to create and print your cards. A professionally printed business card will exude professionalism. Likewise, professional printers are more familiar with the designs that are suitable for the standard of your company because they have encountered a lot of business cards printing projects in the past. Thus, their experience will greatly help you create a stunning and professional looking business card.

The cost of printing business cards from printing companies is always a concern for many businesses. But the fact is the money you spend on professional looking business cards will be a solid investment for your own future. 

Aside from being cost-effective business cards are a potent way to stay in front of your customers. One way of making them attractive is to include quotes. It could be a motivational saying or anything that you think will interest your prospects. But make sure that you have all the necessary information in your cars such as your NAME – this is very important as it carries your image and identity. Your name will be useful for your customers to know who they must contact. JOB TITLE – the job title will tell your customers what kind of job you do and if your services suit their project. CONTACT NUMBERS – this is very important because this is how your customers will contact you. ADDRESS – also important because if all fails your customers will have another option to reach you. BUSINESS NAME – having a unique name will be easily remembered by your customers. 

So remember it all starts with these little cards and next to it is recognition. Thus, don’t underestimate the substantial benefits of these tangible objects.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Keeping and Gaining Customers Using Postcards

To write a good advertisement you must have a keen interest in the products themselves. You have to handle them, fondle them and get acquainted with them. And when you have grasped the right sort of impression let them flow naturally from your pen.

For most online businesses creating a successful promotional material is difficult. They have to see to it that their material appeals to their customers. Aside from this, they have to make sure that their budget is enough to produce the promotional material that they want. For some business owners the marketing ability of postcards works for them effectively. Postcards are perfect for home businesses seeking an efficient and affordable way to promote their products.

Aside from promoting your products and services, postcards are also effective in keeping in touch with your customers to let them know that you appreciate them and haven’t forgotten about them. In addition, postcards are a good way to maintain contact with your customers without being a nag. With a design and message that is positive, interesting and creative, you can add a little fun to the recipient’s day.

Postcards can also be used to introduce your products or services to wholesale buyers. You will likely be competing with much older business; hence, it is important to have a unique and professional presentation. A full color catalog or brochure would be nice but very expensive to produce. For this reason, sending a postcard that shows your work in full color along with your sales materials and price lists can be a good idea. Likewise, if your products or works are shown in galleries, you can use postcards to use as handouts. This will assist the gallery in promoting your work. In this case, it may be in your best interest not to include your contact information on the card.

Similarly, keeping in touch is perhaps the best way to make sure that your customers don’t forget about you. It is common for most business to do nothing after gaining a new customer. They just hope that the customer will come back. Bad idea. Think about it this way. How many times have you seen an ad on TV or received something in the mail and you said to yourself that it was a good idea and you need to look into that. However, the next day you forget about it and never take action. This is common to most people. That is why it is better to mail your customers regularly not just mail them once or twice. Keep mind that it takes three or four contacts with a customer before they are willing to do business with you. It’s astonishing what kind of growth you can achieve if you get a few of your customers to make additional purchase or two throughout the year. So, work on that postcards and contact your customers to ensure that they keep coming back to you over and over again. In business, there is nothing better than that.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Keeping and Bringing Customers to Your Business

Business greeting cards are a clever way to introduce and keep contact with your potential customers. It is a perfect sales tool to open door with a prospective customer. There are times when you feel unappreciated. Ask yourself, how often do you feel taken for granted? Now think about your customers and ask yourself, how much are they worth to you? When you send well-presented greeting cards to your customers they feel that they matter to you.

Most businesses focus on quality but remember that relationships make the difference. Keep in mind that people come back when they feel special. So get personal with your customers and they will reward you with more repeat sales and referrals than you can ever imagine.

One of the good things about business greeting cards is that they last. When people receive cards from someone they don’t expect their curiosity is aroused. And after opening your card, chances are they would display it in their offices or living rooms.  

There are other reasons why business greeting cards are important in businesses.

1. Oftentimes, they are more effective than initial phone calls. By sending a greeting card you have a reason to make a follow up call a few days after the recipient receives it.
2. It is a good way to keep in touch without being too pushy.
3. The greeting card lets your customers know that you are always there when needed.
4. Your unique or humorous card will be too valuable to toss; thus, they will be a constant reminder that you sent them.

For customers, business greeting cards also have advantages:

1. Your existing clients will think that you take time to think of them.
2. Greeting cards are a non-aggressive way of communicating. A greeting card will not interrupt their activities.
3. Your current and prospective clients will appreciate your effort to stay in touch with them.  

The idea is to keep your card short and to the point. Save the lengthy conversation for initial phone contact or meeting.

Really, your greeting card can make your customers feel that you remember them and care about them. These little things are priceless. Just remember how much more difficult and time-consuming it is to find a new client rather than to keep a current one. In the end, taking time to contact your existing and potential customers will pay a lifetime dividend both personally and professionally.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Keeping All you Need in a Folder

Organization? That's my fetish. Messy room, disorganized files and chaotic atmosphere can very well trigger my temper and rage. I know it, they too, knew it. This is the reason why I am a fanatic when it comes to organizational items. Tables, drawers, baskets, containers, say it,  I'm obsessed about them!

Anything that organizes and makes things in order catches my attention. This is also the very reason why I am so much into folders. Yeah, folder is one of my obsessions. They keep my organization skills active and well. They save my day from getting spoiled. If you are also a neat-freak, you gotta? have this also!

Folders are pretty useful in organizing files. I have them at home and in the office for practical solution to my organization needs. In fact, there are a bunch of folders revolving around my everyday chores. To give me a good office ambience, I line up my folders in my cabinet for easy filing. I always see to it that my files, documents, effects and other papers are well-kept, protected and easy to find. I also carry a few when I'm transacting business with other people. Sometimes I am amazed when, in my next transaction with them, they are also carrying a folder with them. They are very useful in segregating what files are of lesser importance than the rest, what files are needed at this point up to what files deserve to rest in the confines of a drawer.

Recently, I tried customization. It is the thing that you must choose if you want to personalize your folders to have a unique, distinctive and personal look. When you have your folder made, you can choose from a wide array of folders and prints like presentation folders, file folders and the likes. They can be used as pocket folders, media kits, training materials, investor packets, conference handouts and more.

Customization can pretty well cater to our individual needs, designs, preferences and use. All you have to do is communicate what kind of design, paper, color, size and printing process to be used and then at a given time, you can have your most wanted folders.

You can also transact online. First, you have to search for a trusted online printing company and fill up the order forms according to your specifications and demands. Depending on your quantity and quality order, your folder order can be had at the stipulated time.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Keep Business Steady With Multiple Streams Of Income

If you were investing in the stock market, you would diversify your portfolio. It makes sense; that way, if a stock falls, you don’t lose everything. Well, the same logic applies to online businesses. You don’t want to keep all of your eggs in one basket. What happens if people stop visiting your blog for a week, which happens to be your only source of income? You don’t make any money that week. But if you had other business ventures in place, the money would keep rolling in. Having multiple streams of income can help you make a consistent living.

You should establish multiple streams of income early in your online business career. When you’re first starting out, don’t just register for one opportunity. Register for three or four, and dedicate time every day to each one. Your objective during the beginning of your career should be to build up these three of four opportunities so that they flourish at the same time and establish your multiple streams of income and form a solid income base. Once you have three or four streams of income up and running, you can begin to branch out and explore new options, increasing the number of streams you have.

The more streams of income you have, the better. That way, if one of them goes out of business or fails for whatever reason, you have plenty of other ventures to pick up the slack. At the same time, don’t take on more streams than you can handle. You shouldn’t be forced to sacrifice an established venture for a new one. If you make a conscious decision to do so for a larger income potential, that’s great, but don’t put yourself in a position where you are forced to make sacrifices.

Instead, find ways to make your multiple streams of income work together. They do need to remain separate, so if one of them fails, it won’t drag the others down with it. But as long as you make sure they do not rely on one another, they can be used to enhance each other. For example, if you are in charge of a site that sells nature photography, you can and should include your affiliate marketing links on the site. Just make sure that the photographs are the way the site makes most of its money, not the affiliate marketing. Likewise, make sure that your affiliate marketing is making money for you on other sites. Having multiple streams of income can protect you and allow you to make more money with each venture.

If you’re not careful, having multiple streams of income can get out of control and leave you struggling to keep up with all of your ventures. To avoid this business catastrophe, make sure that you follow a schedule. Spend one hour each day writing in your blog, then an hour finding new affiliate marketing links, then two hours writing articles for an online site, and finish up the day with two hours of filling photograph orders. You have to be able to keep track of your multiple streams of income and devote the appropriate amount of time to each. If they get out of control, then you’ll stop making money and may as well just go back to the office. If that happens, not only will you drop from multiple streams of income to one, but you won’t be able to work at home, which is every online entrepreneur’s dream.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Just a Click Away: Using the Internet to Facilitate Your Market Research

Market research is one of the most valuable selling tools a show organizer has. Up to the minute, accurate market data arms you with the type of valuable information you need to ‘sell’ your show to potential exhibitors, including who is attending your show, how well your exhibitors did at last year’s show, and what type of sales numbers resulted from participating in the event. Savvy exhibitors -- those that can contribute meaningfully to the success of your show -- will want to know this type of information.

Any information you provide to potential exhibitors must be both timely and accurately. Unfortunately, hiring a market research team, especially on an annual basis, can be an expensive proposition. Doing the market research yourself can be time consuming and frustrating. What if there was a way to streamline the process, making it effortless and efficient for both you and your customers?

Enter the internet. Trade show organizers have been woefully behind the curve when it comes to exploiting the internet’s potential for market research. As the Online Expo becomes more and more of an industry presence, it is imperative that show organizers incorporate web-based elements into traditional shows to accommodate exhibitor needs, especially as they pertain to market research. The transition to a more virtual society has creating an expectation of instantaneous, accurate information -- an expectation that we need to meet if we are going to survive.

Here are five techniques you can use to meet this expectation:

Constantly Gather Information:

Market research is not a once-a-year phenemeon. The dynamic nature of the marketplace means that new exhibitors are constantly setting up shop, while other companies that have exhibited with you for years may run into financial difficulty. Use Google or other new-alert programs to e-mail you when any of your exhibitors make news -- their prosperity (or lack thereof!) may affect your show. At the same time, monitor news related to your show’s location, the demographics related to likely attendees, and other items of interest.

Make a commitment to reach out to your exhibitors at least quarterly via your website or targeted e-mails. Invite recipients to participate in a poll, answer a survey, or give feedback. Many will, especially if the poll, survey, or feedback form is quick and easy to navigate. This gives you a steady stream of data throughout the year.

Invite Open Communication:

Exhibitors and potential exhibitors should always know how to reach you. An easily navigable website is a must for all businesses, but imperative for show organizers. Consider having direct links to frequently asked questions, easily found contact options, and even ‘live help’ via e-mail chat for the crunch time just before the show.

Create Discussion Forums:

Discussion forums, whether they’re constructed as a bulletin board or group format, offer a great opportunity to invite feedback, ask your exhibitors questions, and brainstorm new show features. Any group should be constructed with an RSS and XML feed so that it can be easily picked up by news aggregators, ensuring the widest possible audience is invited to participate in the discussion. You’ll need an employee to monitor the group on a regular basis, which includes filtering out spam and inappropriate messages, but the data gathered will be well worth the result.

Explore Other Communities:

You’re in the exhibiting business, but your customer’s aren’t. Take the time to visit their internet hangouts -- industry specific bulliten boards, discussion groups, and e-mail lists. You can either actively participate or simply passively read what’s going on -- this is known as ‘lurking’, and is frowned upon in some communities, accepted in others. Either way, you’ll be presented with a front row seat of what’s going on in your customer’s industry, and gain a deeper understanding of their needs. Occassionally the talk will turn to industry conventions and shows, and that can be a very valuable learning experience.

Provide Content Rich Incentives:

Attendees will only visit your website or participate in polls if you offer them something of value in exchange for their time. This could be educational -- content rich articles outlining some of the how-to’s of effective exhibiting, for example -- or social. The new generation of exhibitors fully expects there to be a social element to their web interactions, be it a busy discussion list or a forum always filled with heated debate. It will cost you little, if anything, to provide these items, yet will help you keep exhibitors engaged with and committed to your show.

Of course, these techniques work best when they augment traditional market research methods. Nothing can replace actually getting out on the show floor and talking face to face with your exhibitors. People may divulge a great deal of information over the net, but often don’t feel like they know someone until they meet them IRL - In Real Life.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jumpstart Your Marketing With The “Rule of 5”

Let me ask you and be honest with yourself here, are you getting the results you want in your business?  If you are great, this message will be helpful in getting you to the next level.  If you’re not, don’t worry, it will certainly put you on the right path.

Now I’ve read the studies too that state the lack of capital as the main reason most small businesses fail however, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that although I can’t prove it, I believe one of the biggest reasons business fail or underachieve is due to lack of effective marketing.

When I attended a seminar by T. Harv Eker a few years back, he mentioned and I quote “it takes creativity to make money”.  In other words it doesn’t take money to make money; it takes creativity to make money.  Now that’s a hard concept for most of us to grasp, it certainly was for me until I started reading a few Guerrilla Marketing books by Jay Conrad Levinson which primarily deal with using sweat equity and creativity instead of money to promote your business.

Now why am I telling you this?  Basically to lay the foundation for the gem I’m about to share with you here today.  That gem is a simple yet effective technique I picked up from two of my mentors Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield.

This technique is called the “Rule of 5” and what it means is simply doing at least 5 things every day towards accomplishing a specific goal.

Now since learning this concept a ways back, I have expanded on it a bit to make it more relevant and effective for me.  And my guess here is that there’s a good chance it will suit you as well.

So here’s my adaptation that I call “Rule of 5 Marketing”.  Essentially it means doing at least 5 marketing activities every day to effectively promote yourself or your business.  You commit to this and you are virtually guaranteed success.

Now that can mean making 5 phone calls to key prospects, giving a teleseminar to 5 or more prospects, sending out a press release to 5 publications that cater to your target audience or, whatever marketing activity is most effective for your business.  Just make sure you do 5 things day in and day out, without fail because a big part of marketing is about consistency.

And speaking of consistency, a great way to hold yourself accountable and to stay on track is to keep a daily journal where you log the 5 marketing activities you completed each day.

If you find yourself slipping and not getting it done, I recommend you enlist a coach or a colleague to become an accountability partner for you – then you can phone them or shoot them an email letting them know you honored your commitment.  This just adds that little extra something to inspire you to get it done.

So commit to it, journal it and be accountable to apply the Rule of 5 to your marketing every day and watch your business take off.

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